image color analysis

For analyze color images we use an interactive app called by analyzeImage(). It takes two arguments: share_link, and monolist_out_path. share_link should be the Google Drive share link for the photo that you wish to analyze. share_link can also be the share link for a Google Drive folder, in which case the app will allow you to cycle through the photos in that folder one-by-one. monolist_out_path should be a path to a new or existing .csv file on your local sytem where the results are to be saved as you work. Below is an example. Remember, if you are on Mac you should use a path that has single slashes, for example: /Users/bust0037/Desktop/output.csv. If you are on PC you should use a path that has double slashes, for example: C://Users//Busta_Lab//Desktop//output.csv.

  share_link = "",
  monolist_out_path = "/Users/bust0037/Desktop/output.csv"