data = NULL, # the data set to work on
analysis = c("hclust", "pca", "pca_ord", "pca_dim"), # the analysis to conduct
column_w_names_of_multiple_analytes = NULL, # a column with names of multiple analytes
column_w_values_for_multiple_analytes = NULL, # a column with quantities measured for multiple analytes
columns_w_values_for_single_analyte = NULL, # a column with quantities measured for a single analyte
columns_w_additional_analyte_info = NULL, # a column with character or numeric information about analytes that was not "measured" as part of the experiment.
columns_w_sample_ID_info = NULL, # a column with information about the sample (i.e. contents from the test tube's label)
transpose = FALSE,
kmeans = c("none", "auto", "elbow", "1", "2", "3", "etc."),
na_replacement = c("none", "mean", "zero", "drop")